Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Deciding If You Need a Bathroom Remodel

The bathroom is a sanctuary in your home. It’s the one room in your house that you can have a good excuse to retreat to multiple times a day, whether it be for 30 seconds or an hour. With all of the tile, moisture, faucets, showerheads, and various other things that our bathrooms are made out of, it tends to be the room of our home that requires the most maintenance. At times you may feel that the bathroom is no longer a pleasant place to spend your time, and the environment it provides you no longer gives you any sense of solace or comfort. It is at this point that the idea of remodeling might pop into your head, but given the investment of time and money that usually accompanies a remodel, how can you be sure that you really need one? Well here are a few tips that should help you decide whether or not you can justify the expense of a bathroom remodel.

The first thing you need to remember when remodeling any room of your house is whether or not it will provide you with a return on investment (ROI). According to the Wall Street Journal, a bathroom remodel is the best home improvement you can make when looking at ROI. This is an indicator of just how highly the quality of a bathroom rates on potential homebuyers’ minds. While you may not even be considering the sale of your house, it is always wise to take into consideration how an improvement or remodel will affect your home’s value. Given that you will recuperate your investment in remodeling your bathroom, it usually makes financial sense to do so if your bathroom is in poor shape.

Financial benefits aside, the main reason to remodel your bathroom is to make it a more enjoyable and functional place to spend time. If there are things that annoy you about your bathroom every time you use it, you are probably in a good position to have it remodeled. Typically things that would influence someone to remodel their bathroom are being dissatisfied with the lighting, tiling, layout, or bath/shower setup. Sometimes feeling that a bathroom’s layout is inadequate at making good use of space will influence one to consult with a professional on changing the layout to allow for more storage or a better atmosphere. The tiles of the floor or walls in your bathroom might be outdated or old and chipped, leaving your bathroom with a permanently grimy or dirty feeling. Some people opt for a nicer bathtub or shower setup, making the bathroom more relaxing. A new sink with more storage space, or perhaps less storage space but with a sleeker design might make your bathroom either more practical or better looking. And yes, sometimes people remodel with a better toilet in mind for enhanced comfort and aesthetic appeal.

The lighting in your bathroom also plays a much bigger role in its appearance than you might have previously suspected. If your bathroom is centered in your house and does not have any windows, you might want to optimize the lighting to give it a more natural ambiance. If you find that you have a difficult time seeing yourself in the mirror while you shave or put on makeup, you might want to consider a different lighting fixture above the bathroom mirror. Often times, remodeling the lighting of your bathroom is enough to make the atmosphere of your bathroom exponentially more pleasant. Some people even enjoy dimmer lighting for when they bathe to make the experience more relaxing and meditative.

These are just a few of the reasons that might influence your decision to remodel your bathroom. Sometimes the only reason you need, however, is that you feel that it would improve your life or the way you feel about your home. If you are just thinking about remodeling your bathroom, don’t hesitate to call us and we will see what we can do to help!

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